2014年9月27日 星期六

谷歌情境劇Google Situation Comedy

Year/  2013   Media/  Animate,Video   Time/  05:30

我無意間在網路上看到了一封信,這封信是越南移民Ha Minh Thanh(志明)在福島擔任警察工作時,寫給一個在越南朋友的信。
這封信闡述了一個在災難時,作者親身經歷過感動人心的美麗故事,雖然出處不明,但沒有人去懷疑它的真實性,而使它作為一個被需要的範本流傳在網路上。 我將文本拆解,將信中的關鍵詞利用Google搜尋出對應的圖片,再將每個搜尋後選出的圖片製成元件,編排成一部不同原文本敘事的影片,同時用Google翻譯器的朗讀功能將信語音化。試圖使觀者在看到影片時透過電子口述(一封描述災難現場的情境書寫)與影像(經由關鍵字對位的隨機圖像),在聽覺與視覺的即時理解產生對事件的想像空間。

  Accidentally, I saw a letter on the Internet. The letter was from a Vietnamese immigrant, Ha Minh Thank, who worked as a police officer in Fukoshima, to a friend in Vietnam. The letter described a beautiful and touching story experienced by the writer during the disaster. Though the source was unidentified, no one ever doubted its truthfulness, which allowed it to spread through the Internet. I deconstruct the content and searched the keywords on Google, and then used the pictures found as components to compose a film different from the original text. In the meantime, I also used the reading function of Google translator to vocalize the letter, intended to create a space for viewers to imagine the event through audio and visual simultaneous comprehension: while watching the film, the viewers receive both electronic dubbing (a letter’s situational description of the scene of the disaster) and images (random pictures found by the keywords).
   For most of us, we didn’t experience the event in person, but only comprehended the world through the media. By using search engines, we receive information without boundaries and distances, nor restraint from our bodies. It is a solid and sophisticated net, stretching out endlessly without limitation. This force in fact is an interaction with conflicts: the Internet seems to bring us to the scene, but also takes us away from the reality further and further.

