2017年11月24日 星期五

海邊的異鄉人The stranger by the sea

The Stranger by the Sea

(single channel video, 09:42 , 2017)


During 2014 and 2016, for the period of a year and seven months, I traveled to the south hemisphere, between New Zealand and Australia. Through the time passing, the experience of days aboard for me has transformed from exciting to a settled ordinary-everyday-life feeling. For a whole year during this trip in New Zealand and Australia, I stayed at a seaside village called Bundaberg in Queensland. There I acquainted an elderly man came from Italy. He told me his story. His story was filled with the feeling of homesickness. I saw myself through his stories. We shared the experience of homesickness, situated at the same seaside village, with different time and experience background respectively. However, this story is not only an example of a rambling traveler projecting her own experience onto the other. In different era, memory take up different shapes. As a member growing up at the Internet age, instant connection seems to erase the boundary of time, space and bodily feeling. This sometime gives me an illusion that I was no longer traveling on a foreign land. Even though the sentiment of homesickness I experienced was true. It makes me wonder, whether or not the memory would be more profound or earnest without the influence of internet. After coming back to Taiwan for a year, the days spent on the south hemisphere still lingering in my head. Missing home while being aboard and missing the foreign land while being back home, I am often entangled in these conflicting sentiments. The ways I acknowledge the idea of home became vague. Parallel to the elderly man’s story, this is a valedictory, to stories of parting memories.

彼端之遙2 The Distance2

Single channel video, 02:22 , 2017